If you want Supremo to work correctly, it is necessary to allow outgoing traffic to TCP port 5938 and to the following FQDNs on port 443:

  • license.nanosystems.it 
  • dispatcher.nanosystems.it 
  • onlinestatus.nanosystems.it 
  • banner.nanosystems.it 
  • console.supremocontrol.com
  • ecommerce.nanosystems.it

If the operating system in use is Windows Xp / Windows Vista, it is necessary to allow outgoing traffic also towards TCP port 80.

If the operating system is macOS, iOS (on Iphone / Ipad) or Android, it is necessary to allow outgoing traffic to * .nanosystems.it, *.supremocontrol.com on TCP port 443.

It is necessary that the firewall or router supports reverse DNS functionality.