4. What ports does Supremo use?

If you want Supremo to work correctly, it is necessary to allow outgoing traffic to TCP port 5938 and to the following FQDNs on port 443:

  • license.nanosystems.it 
  • dispatcher.nanosystems.it 
  • onlinestatus.nanosystems.it 
  • banner.nanosystems.it 
  • console.supremocontrol.com
  • ecommerce.nanosystems.it

If the operating system in use is Windows Xp / Windows Vista, it is necessary to allow outgoing traffic also towards TCP port 80.

If the operating system is macOS, iOS (on Iphone / Ipad) or Android, it is necessary to allow outgoing traffic to * .nanosystems.it, *.www.supremocontrol.com on TCP port 443.

It is necessary that the firewall or router supports reverse DNS functionality.