How to use Supremo on cloned machines?
Supremo can be used on operating systems created from a Windows or macOS image, but it is important to take precautions to prevent cloned computers from sharing the same Supremo ID, which can cause issues.
Recommendation: For the most reliable results, install Supremo only after the cloned operating system has been fully installed and is running. This advice applies to all supported operating systems.
How to prepare a Windows image with Supremo
When incorporating Supremo into a cloned Windows image, it is crucial to adhere to Microsoft’s Sysprep tool guidelines. This is the only supported method to ensure Supremo functions correctly on cloned systems, preventing potential issues that may arise post-installation.
Sysprep, or System Preparation Tool, is a utility designed by Microsoft for Windows operating system deployment. It prepares a Windows installation for cloning by removing system-specific information and generalizing the image. This process allows the image to be successfully deployed onto different hardware configurations without conflicts.
By following Microsoft’s Sysprep documentation and correctly generalizing the Windows installation containing Supremo, you can create a master image ready for deployment on multiple devices. This approach streamlines the process of installing Supremo on cloned systems and guarantees that Supremo ID is unique for each installation.
How to prepare a macOS image with Supremo
To create the image, first install Supremo, then ensure it is completely closed by checking for the Supremo icon in the topbar’s upper right corner and closing it if it is present.
Next, locate the “/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/SupremoRemoteDesktop” folder.
If the Library folder is hidden, use the “Shift” + “Cmd” + “.” shortcut to reveal hidden files in Finder. Finally, delete the SupremoRemoteDesktop folder before proceeding with image creation.
How to fix Supremo duplicated IDs on cloned computers
If Supremo is included in a cloned computer image without following the necessary configuration steps, the Supremo ID will also be duplicated, resulting in multiple devices sharing the same ID.
To resolve this issue, follow the steps below based on your operating system:
- Uninstall Supremo from each affected Mac by navigating to Tools -> Options -> Supremo uninstall and select the “Delete all Supremo data” option.
- Reboot your MAC and Reinstall Supremo as usual.
Windows XP:
- Uninstall Supremo. If the “Start Supremo at systems boot” is enabled, remove it on Tools -> Options and close Supremo from TrayBar.
- Manually delete the folder “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SupremoRemoteDesktop”.
- Manually delete the folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo”.
- Reinstall Supremo as usual.
Windows Vista and later:
- Uninstall Supremo. If the “Start Supremo at systems boot” is enabled, remove it on Tools -> Options and close Supremo from TrayBar.
- Manually delete the folder “C:\ProgramData\SupremoRemoteDesktop”.
- Manually delete the folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Supremo”.
- Reinstall Supremo as usual.
Please note: if the multisession is enabled, you must also remove the folder C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\SupremoRemoteDesktop where XXXX is the UserName for the Windows login.